Preparation Studies for the Implementation of the Outer Ring Fishing Port Development (Ecofishing Port) Project in Indonesia, funded by AFD

Juillet 2021 - Février 2022
  • Preparation of the inception report and definition of a methodology for national experts to perform the field visits (interview to be done, data to be collected, surveys to be implemented, if needed),
  • Preparation of the interim and final reports and more specifically:
  • Support to the national experts in performing site visits (in-house support and guidance)
  • Analysis of port activities (according to the season, market), fleet, captures and critical review of future projections
  • Spatial analysis of each port and associated logistics
  • Analysis of bottlenecks which impact the fish quality / value
  • Critical review of the port development master plans, recommendation towards the improvement of port operations with a focus on overcoming existing bottlenecks, including:
  • Fish landing and traffic flows – especially depending on fish market,
  • Land use / port organization for improved operations,
  • Required steps to improve fish quality and traceability (potential fast landing channels),
  • Overall port logistics
  • Required equipment for improved port operation
  • Proposals for EcoFishing ports implementation – with improved environmental management, clean water savings, wastewater management, chemical / oil management...
  • Proposals guidelines for the implementation of  EcoFishing Ports in Indonesia

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